Recepten — Vegan

Bie Verheye
The real deal snickers!

The real deal snickers!

INGREDIËNTEN 25 g cacao80 g kokosolie, gesmolten60 ml ahornsiroopgranola bodem80 g amandelen60 g La Favo Going Nuts granola25 g kokosrasp6 zachte verse dadels, ontpit60 g cashew pasta (zonder stukjes noot)karamel225 g kokosbloesemsuiker375 g kokosmelk125 g cashewpasta1theelepel vanille-extractoptie: 1 eetlepel witte miso RECEPT Maak de granola bodem:1. Bekleed een bakvorm (vierkant van +- 20 cm) met bakpapier en zorg ervoor dat het bakpapier over de randen hangt.2. Doe de amandelen, granola, kokos, dadels en cashewpasta in de blender en draai alles fijn.3. Druk het mengsel op de bodem van de bakvorm en zet 30 minuten in de koelkast. Maak de karamel:1....

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Chocolate bark

Chocolate bark

INGREDIENTS 1 chocolate barA handful of your favourite La Favo granola, we used Buckwheat & Berries + Chocolini RECIPE Melt the au bain-marie, keep stirring until all of the chocolate is melted. Cover a large, rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Use a silicone or rubber spatula to spread chocolate evenly over the center area of the baking sheet. Make sure it doesn’t reach the edges. Sprinkle the your favourite La Favo granola evenly over the chocolate. Lightly use your palms to press the toppings into the chocolate. If you’re in a hurry, place the pan on a flat surface...

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Granola cookie sandwich

Granola cookie sandwich

INGREDIENTS For the cookies: 1 cup oats, gluten-free, divided½ cup walnuts½ cup La Favo granola3 tbsp pumpkin seeds3 tbsp almonds3 tbsp flax seeds½ tsp cinnamon¼ tsp cardamom½ tsp flaky sea salt⅓ cup + 1 tbsp olive oil⅓ cup + 1 tbsp maple syrup or rice syrup For the sweet cashew cream filling: 1 cup cashews1/2 cup of coconut milk or water2 soft dates, soaked1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder or 1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract RECIPE Preheat the oven to 180°C. Put 1 cup of oats and the walnuts in the food processor and blend until you reach a consistency of flour....

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